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The Boys' Brigade in Malaysia

Established in 1883, The Boys’ Brigade is a worldwide outreach movement dedicated to fostering character development among young individuals and nurturing future leaders.

Since its inception in July 1946, The Boys’ Brigade in Malaysia has positively impact over 75,000 youths.

Presently, the BBM continues to engage thousands of young participants weekly through its structured program facilitated by dedicated Boys’ Brigade Officers.

Our Methodology

The BB Program is a comprehensive, year-round initiative comprising weekly sessions lasting 1 to 2 hours. It encompasses a diverse array of activities such as arts, camping, sports, technology, first aid, expeditions, and band participation, among others. This structured program fosters the adoption of new skills and knowledge while simultaneously instilling discipline and nurturing leadership qualities through activities like drill and leadership opportunities.

Aligned with the core principles of the BB method, this program is designed to holistically develop young individuals in their Physical, Educational, Social, and Character aspects. This includes the badge program that recognizes and rewards personal achievements, further promoting self-development and growth.





Our Brigade Program

The Boys’ Brigade in Malaysia, officially recognised by the Ministry of Education has established partnerships with more than 200 schools across the nation, collaborating to facilitate the holistic development of students in both skill acquisition and character building.

Additionally, The Boys’ Brigade in Malaysia serves as the designated Operational Authority, duly appointed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, to administer the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh International Youth Award program.

Our comprehensive program caters to young individuals ranging from 6 to 21 years of age, offering a structured pathway for personal growth and development across various age groups.


Join us

Join us on the Boys’ Brigade journey for young people ages 6 – 21. Experience growth firsthand.

Partner with us

Schools or Churches, do consider partnering with us to launch a Boys’ Brigade program in your place. 

Support us

Supporting the Boys’ Brigade mission through various avenues, driven by our shared beliefs in its values.

Our Brigade Blogs

This section is dedicated to providing blogs and news articles, ensuring you stay informed and up-to-date with the latest developments and insightful content.


BB Asia 3-in-1 Conference

BB Asia 3-in-1 International Conference Celebrates Milestones and Collaboration The recent BB Asia 3-in-1 International Conference, held on December 1st, brought together representatives from 11

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Our Brigade Stories

Inspiring testimonies from alumni and BB members who took on the Boys’ Brigade journey, alongside BB officers who passionately volunteer their time every week. If you want to feature your story, please visit


“牧者的呼召” – 詹友训牧师

名字:詹友训牧师, 前全国少年军的军牧,分队:诗巫第一分队 “…最美好的回忆啊,我想,有好多哦。但是我要,可能我就讲讲两 个吧。那第一个就是,我在很多officer的这一个的关怀之下成长,而 且这是一个很美好的时间。他们把他们的经验,把他们的爱,把他们 的这个服侍都付出在我们的身上。第二个就是,我有一群,一帮很 好,很要好的BB的朋友,或者说主内的弟兄。诺不是弟兄,诺不是 他们这几个,对我死缠烂打,相信我不会对BB这么热情,不会投全 心投入在这个BB的工作侍奉里。” 想查看他的少年军故事,请浏览以下

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The Early Years of our Founder

27 Oct,1854

William Alexander Smith was born on 27 October 1854 at Pennyland House, half a mile from Thurso. Thurso is a town of 4000 inhabitants, situated on the north-eastern coast of Scotland, where the Thurso River runs into the sea. Smith was the eldest son of Major David Smith and Harriet Fraser. He was educated at the Miller Institution, known as the “Thurso Academy”.

In 1868, when Smith was 13 years old, his father passed away in Swatow, while on business as a director of the Labuan Coal Company. Mrs Smith accepted the offer of her brother, Alexander Fraser to take the eldest Boy into his home and later into his business in Glasgow. In January 1869, Smith enrolled as a student in the private school, The Western Educational Institution, more widely known as Burns’ and Sutherland’s School. He continued schooling until the age of fourteen and a half. In October 1869, he joined his uncle’s business as a clerk. Alex. Fraser & Co. was a wholesale dealer in “soft goods”, with shawls being a principal line and South America its primary market.

In those days, it was customary for young men of spirit to join the Volunteers. Hence in 1873, Smith followed the military path of his father and grandfather, who were officers in the army, by joining the 1st Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers. He progressed steadily in ranks, rising from corporal in 1874 to Lieutenant-Colonel (second-in-command) in 1905.

Share by : jave (The Boys’ Brigade in Malaysia)
Last modified: 06-03-2020

The Founding of The Boys

30 Jan,1883

It was in his twentieth year that Smith started active work in the Free College Church in Glasgow. He served as a Sabbath School (or Sunday School) teacher there. When he encountered rambunctious teenage Boys, he sought to discipline them through drill and espirit de corps. He then had the idea to band together Boys above the age of twelve into a “Brigade”, in which they would be taught elementary drill, physical exercises, obedience to the word of command, punctuality and cleanliness. Organised games would also be part of the programme. He presented this concept before the Woodside Mission authorities. Permission was given for this experiment to be tried.

He roped in a fellow member of the 1st Lanark, James R Hill, who was also a teacher in the Sunday School. A third Officer who had similar credentials, John B Hill, was also recruited.

They decided upon the following: the name – The Boys’ Brigade; the Crest – an anchor; the Motto – Sure & Stedfast (taken from King James Version Hebrews 6:19); Membership for all Boys aged twelve to seventeen; and the Object – The advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect, and all that tends towards a Christian Manliness.

Some ten years later, Obedience was added to the Object of the Boys’ Brigade. Manliness has also in some countries been replaced by the gender neutral ‘character’ since there are now girls who may also join The Brigade.
Share by : jave (The Boys’ Brigade in Malaysia)
Last modified: 15-05-2019

1st Glasgow Company

04 Oct,1883

The Boys’ Brigade was launched in the Free College Church Mission, North Woodside Road, Glasgow on 4 October 1883 with a crew of three Officers and 28 Boys. Smith was the Captain and the Hill brothers were Lieutenants. It was agreed at the on start by Smith, James and John Hill that however the Brigade might develop, the only ranks should be Captain and Lieutenant. The BB is the world’s first uniformed youth organisation. Within the first three weeks, a total of 59 Boys were recruited and strict discipline was enforced within the organisation. In the first session, the Boys did not don on any special attire. It was only in the second session where the haversack, pill-box cap and brown leather waist belt with the BB crest embossed on the buckle were introduced. The addition of a cross-belt for Sergeants came a little later. The Officers sported a small red rosette pinned to the lapel of their jackets. A year or two later, the Officer’s uniform comprising of a dark blue suit, glengarry cap with badge, tan gloves and a cane was adopted.

By November 1883, 35 Boys remained on the roll for formal enrolment. In December of that year, the Brigade leaders organised an examination for promotion. Drill, written work, conduct and character were taken into careful consideration. At the end of the exercise, there were two Sergeants, two Corporals and two Lance-Corporals. The Company was divided into six squads, with these Non-Commissioned Officers heading each squad.
Share by : jave (The Boys’ Brigade in Malaysia)
Last modified: 16-06-2019

From church youth work to a national movement

30 Mar,1885

Meanwhile, the 1st Glasgow Company continued to increase its membership and enhanced its programme. Activities such as swimming, cricket and a brass band which superseded the flute band, were incorporated. On 30 March 1885, five new Companies were enrolled as follows: 1st Glasgow Company (North Woodside Mission), 2nd Glasgow Company (Berkeley Street U.P. Church Mission, now Blythswood Church), 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Glasgow and 1st Edinburgh.
Share by : jave (The Boys’ Brigade in Malaysia)
Last modified: 16-05-2019